Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Marketing To A New Generation: Summary

All in all this blogging adventure through numerous marketing strategies has given me insight as to how consumers of today like to be reached. As the world becomes more wired, consumers are spending even less time watching television, listening to radio, reading magazines, and other traditional media that is just not reaching the buyers in many markets. Consumers in this country have so much buying power and so many choices as to where to spend their money. Companies are competing to win over customers because new brands are forming all the time. As the number of companies grow in each market clutter becomes harder to break through. Consumers see thousands of ads a day. It is impossible for each one to make an impression. To make an impression, ads must be personally relevant, unique, and in places where consumers allow companies to reach them. This is the world of alternative marketing.

Alternative marketing is on the rise because of its ability to break through to people who will be effected by it. Many times it is shocking, fun, or even ridiculous, but its main function is to be remembered. I'll start by mentioning the use of interactive websites. These sites are many times about products, but companies present them in a way that is fun. Websites such as and are two websites that allow consumers to tour fictional worlds and have a laugh. is Geico's site about the apartment where the character from their commercial lives. Visitors can browse his i-pod, listen to his answering machine, and even dress the caveman. This website does not even have anything to do with the brand, but it associates the brand with positive feelings and a reason to thing about the brand. is another interactive website that has a lot to do with its product, which is Easy Mac. Its target is mainly college students and this is where the site takes place. They set up a fictional university with videos of students making ridiculous attempts to satisfy their hunger and finally reach a solution with Easy Mac. Interactive websites such as this make the brand more fun. It shows that the companies care about more than just selling their products, they also like to entertain their customers.

Another form of alternative marketing is done by simply finding places where the target audience allows companies to reach them. Scion had a campaign this year where they allowed people to take free test drives, had giveaways, and had people on site where consumers could talk to them. They set up outside of places where their young target is usually found such as music stores in major cities. This strategy took the pressure off the consumer as they usually find at the dealership. There was no signing up, no obligation, it was just people talking to representatives and testing the product with no strings attached. Companies are doing much of the same thing in the virtual world. They are finding places where their target is and advertising there. Sites such as facebook, youtube, and myspace are among the most popular for reaching the teen and young adult market that are the least responsive to traditional advertising.

Another form of virtual advertising that has taken off has been the use of Second Life. Companies now recognize the number of people who are members of this virtual world and the huge reach that they have advertising there. Companies such as Nissan allow avatars to take test drives of their virtual cars. This is a fun way to market. It is marketing, but the consumers feel like it is a video game. Nissan is finding people in an environment where they allow companies to reach them and then make marketing fun for consumers. Second Life has also been a place to place billboards. Avatars will see many billboard advertisements as they travel through the virtual world. As you can see in my previous post, Coke has created a contest where consumers can design a virtual Coke machine for SL. This gives Coke a lot of exposure in SL and also makes the consumer feel connected to the brand.

The Postal Service was also involved in some consumer driven marketing. They had Star Wars fans vote for their favorite Star Wars stamp that was to be used in the mail system. There was also a contest tie-in that made people feel connected. Allowing consumers to enter contests, design content, and vote for things they like make them feel like they are part of the company. Their word is heard and important to the company. This company-consumer interaction is what people are looking for.

Many companies are taking full advantage of viral marketing. Chipotle is a great example of a company who uses limited advertising dollars and still gets its message out. Their strategy is giving out many free samples and using the samplers as spokespeople. Consumers get a free sample, enjoy it, and share their experience with friends. The message is passed on and sales increase. Word of mouth is the best form of marketing. People trust it more because it comes from peers. There is no pressure and people are able to share common experiences this way.

To sum up, alternative marketing should focus on a way to get the customer to feel connected. This is done through interactive websites, contests, and allowing customers to feel like they have a say in the company. Companies must find their target audience in places where they like to be reached whether that be in the real or virtual world.

1 comment:

Kim Gregson said...

50/50 - good summary